Nothing much to say... the production is one of the best I have seen so far. It so real that I can nearly smelled the fear of soldiers who has been selected in the attacking team and I can nearly smelled the mud, the gun smoke and blood bleeding. Paul Bettany plays his best as usual.. good job Paul. Good video and audio as always..thanks to MkvCage and SevenTorrents.
Contagion is a lie. Viruses dont exist. The movie was good BUT DONT FALL FOR THE ROCKERFELLER BIG PHARMA LIE. The body can heal itself. What they call a 'virus' is actually just your body in detox AKA seasonal flu. Brought on by Toxemia. The food you eat, the air you breath, and the water you drink. Again good movie a 100% totally fictional comedy.
as an M. Night Shyamalan movie this isnt like those weird out of this world type of story which he usually do, this is a more like a real normal story that can happen or happend in the real world, i dont get the hate, it wasnt bad at all, and yeah it aint the typical Shyamalan movie but hey its not bad, and im glad Josh Hartnett is kinda getting good movies again.. Give it a try it aint as bad as these other people are saying..
For a M. Night Shyamalan movie it seriously sucks. The hole in this storyline is the fact they hold hostage 3000 men just because some old hag tells them to. You also have to put up with the worst music ever. M. Night Shyamalan's daughter is horrible in this crap movie which suits the whole movie well. Talk about unconstitutional behavior. I know its just a movie to you jack holes who will hate my comment but guess what? A good movie especially a thriller is only good if its believable. This was just crap. That's sad to because M. Night Shyamalan movies are usually good. I guess he's running low on cash and needed a quick fix so he wrote this while sittin on the crapper. He should have wiped his arse with it and flushed it.
its not good but you can watch it once...the recent cinema only have the originals to copy from...there are exceptions but very few, so either you watch the classic masterpieces or you have to enjoy mid movies.
Paul Bettany plays his best as usual.. good job Paul.
Good video and audio as always..thanks to MkvCage and SevenTorrents.