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The Big Fat Stone (2014)

Director: Frank D'Angelo
Cast: Ray Abruzzo, Paul Amato, Marcia Bennett, Jason Blicker, Frank D'Angelo, Jennifer Dale, Ellen Dubin, Simon Edwards, Rosalind S. Feldman, Art Hindle, Richard James, Margot Kidder, Géza Kovács, Robert Loggia, Nick Mancuso, Sean McCann, Merwin Mondesir, Tony Nardi, Jack Newman, Julian Nicholson, Michael Paré, Jeff Pustil, Sekou Rennie, Tony Rosato, John Savage, Cheryl St. James


Big Fat Stone is a modern day tale about dreams coming true. It tells the story of Edward Rizzo: a homeless man who, simply by being at the right place at the right time, gets a chance at a new life. We join Rizzo on his emotional roller coaster in a story that will tug at your heart strings and thrill you with drama. We learn that in a single minute, in a single second, with a simple twist of fate, everything can change forever.

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