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The Empty Hands (2017) - Also known as "Hung sau dou"

Director: Chapman To
Cast: Stephy Tang, Chapman To, Yasuaki Kurata, Stephen Au, Dada Chan, Shan Sajid Ali, Juju Chan, Tanya Chan, Mei-Yi Cheung, Ka-Yin Choi, Chi Fai Chow, Pak-Wing Heung, Mandy Pui-Man Ho, Wing-Lam Ho, Charlene Houghton


Half Japanese Hong Kong girl Mari Hirakawa who succeeds karate school after tragic death of her Karate master and father encounters ex-karate student, ex-yakuza Chan Keung who also succeeds the half of her father's karate dojo. Then, Chan Keung retrains Mari for being a true heritage owner of the karate school.
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