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Daywalker: Blade Origins - TV Series (2017-2020)

Cast: Byron Smith, Markiss McFadden, Lamorae Siggal, Kasper Jorgensen, Mark Justice, Tatsumi Madison, Michael Monteiro, Michael Tushaus, Dillon Weishuhn, Moorea Wolf, Jeremy Angel, Courtney Battistini, Jameson Tyler Bynum, Aarika Cornelius, Tandy Davis, Olena Fomina, Candace Foshee, Kenyatta Harris, James Lee Hawkins, Ember Kramer, Gus Langley, Khalfani Muhammad, Kal-El Smith, Devin Teer, Valencia Wilson


This 33-minute fan film focuses on the origins of Blade. It flashes back from a feral young Eric Brooks (Kal El Smith) meeting his mentor, Jamal Afari (Michael Monteiro), to later when older Brooks (Byron Smith) is part of the Bloodshadows gang, headed by Cyrus Cutter (Markiss McFadden). Brooks battles with vampires including bad girl Lamia (Moorea Wolf), as well as with his subordinate role as a Bloodshadow, and his demons from his recent loss. He also faces his feelings with Cyrus's girlfriend, Glory (Lamorae Signal), who also begins to show interest in Brooks. It all culminates to several action scenes leading to the moment when Brooks definitively declares his role as "Blade."

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