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Yesterday's Girl (2018)

Director: Mike Garrick
Cast: Chris Baird, Lily Brown, John Michael Burdon, Dustin Bush, Heidi Bush, Tobin Bush, Daniel Byrnes, Mitch Connolly, Kaysia Dowie, Steven J Heath, Tayla Holborow, Leizel Igadna, Elias Jasser, Paul Kelman, Greg Kennedy, Melinda Latsos, Craig Lindeman, Frank Oaks, Oliver Pink, Daniel Stranger, Yoji Tatsuta, Lucas Tooley, Ben Tranter


A young woman awakens in a world devastated by meteorite strike, yet she recalls her own death 70 years ago. Searching for answers she finds plague, destruction, madness and a terrifying adversary, who confronts her with a long forgotten memory and an impossible choice.

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