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50 Years of Star Trek (2016)

Director: Ian Roumain
Cast: J.J. Abrams, Mark A. Altman, John Barrowman, Robert Beltran, John Billingsley, John D.F. Black, Mary Black, André Bormanis, Brannon Braga, Bruce Campbell, James Cromwell, Marc Cushman, Roxann Dawson, John de Lancie, Michael Dorn, Doug Drexler, Ike Eisenmann, Patrick Fabian, Bobak Ferdowsi, D.C. Fontana, Jonathan Frakes, Whoopi Goldberg, Peter Gould, Dominic Keating, Walter Koenig, Justin Lin, Christopher Lloyd, Scott Mantz, Chase Masterson, Gates McFadden


The cast, crew, creators and critics discuss the impact of Star Trek from its creation by Gene Roddenberry to the present into today and the future. Showing clips from the original unaired pilot featuring Jeffrey Hunter from 1965 to 9/8/1966 the first show aired. 50 years of dialog, the movies and what we can expect next.

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