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Super Detention (2016)

Director: Justin G. Dyck
Cast: Keith Cooper, Tino Notarianni, Nina Kiri, Aaron Chartrand, Kyle Peacock, Mercedes Morris, Julia Pulo, Brian Cook, Jessica Vano, Emilio Ramirez, Greg Zajac, Jennifer Kim, Daphne Moens, Athena Bantis, Paul Nicholas Mason, David Sparkes, Ziggy Talaska, Deanna Graci Cirincione, Arcade Riley, Harrison Reynolds, Cassie Amanyangole, Rachel Arsenault, Aurora Bellamy, Leigh Bowen, Quince Cephas, Grace Chytuk, Jenn Claus, Mackenzie Dancey, Isabella Emmerton, Kora Farley-Smith


It's X-Men meets The Breakfast Club. When five superhero teens are hauled into detention at their secret training academy, they have to work together to stop the sinister Kaelus from stealing all the students' powers.

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