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Boy Missing (2016) - Also known as "Secuestro"

Director: Mar Targarona
Cast: Blanca Portillo, Antonio Dechent, Vicente Romero, Marc Domènech, Nausicaa Bonnín, Andrés Herrera, José Coronado, Macarena Gómez, Paco Manzanedo, Sergi Subirà, Marieta Sánchez, Raquel Pérez, Josep Maria Pou, Francesc Albiol, Ismael Abadal, Paulina Gálvez, Ramon Fontserè, Xavi Siles, Roger Zanuy, Roger Vidal, Roger Vidal, Albert Mèlich, Marc Ribera, Sali Cervià, Mercè Montalà, Lluís Altés, Lluïsa Castell, Miguel Ángel Jenner, Bárbara Nicolau, Teresa Sirvent, Sergi Misas


Víctor is a child who is found casually roaming by a country road. His mother, Patricia, a well-known lawyer who specializes in media trials, soon learns of her son being found. Victor is taken to hospital and his mother soon follows, where it is explained by the mother that Víctor is deaf and mute, but can communicate using sign language which is why Victor didn't answer any of the questions asked by police. In the police headquarter Víctor explains that he was kidnapped by a strange man when he entered his school. The police identify a possible suspect named Charlie, a man with money troubles and an 8-month pregnant wife. Charlie is unable to explain where he was when Víctor was kidnapped. Patricia, seeing the inability of the police to arrest Charlie, contacts her former love interest and Victor's father, Raúl, starting a chain of events, the consequences of which will be out of control.

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