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Sex Addiction (2015)

Director: Nicolas Roquefort-Villeneuve


Rachels growing inability to control her sexual behavior makes her wonder whether she is a sex addict. Men and women in recovery from sex addiction or active in their addiction, spouses and partners of sex addicts, and specialists in the field of sex addiction share their experience and expertise to help Rachel find an answer. The film also addresses a heated debate that is shaking the psychiatric community: is sex addiction an addiction? Sex addiction will not be in the DSM 5, the book of reference the American Psychiatric Association uses to diagnose mental disorders, because the psychiatric community does not believe that there is such pathology as a dependency to sex. All the participants in this film prove otherwise. SEX ADDICTION is the very first film to document 12-step meetings for sex addicts (Sex Addicts Anonymous, or SAA) as well as 12-step meetings for co-dependents of sex addicts (Co-Dependents of Sex Addicts Anonymous, or COSA).

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