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The Challenge (2003)

Director: Craig Shapiro
Cast: Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Brian Skala, Lukas Behnken, Sarah Bastian, Joe Michael Burke, Zachary Moore, Theo Rossi, Diana Carreno, Ty Hodges, Jeannette Weegar, Pablo Recasens, Billy Aaron Brown, Ben Easter, Brocker Way, Talon Ellithorpe, Sterling Rice, Cheryl Connell, Kerri Morton, Kimberly Choma, Ella Lieberman


It's an action adventure/adventure comedy. They play estranged twins with very opposite personalities. Lizzie is very focused and driven, while Shane is more relaxed, but concerned about the environment. Both girls are chosen for a Survivor-like popular game show with college scholarships as the prize.

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