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3 Tickets to Paradise (2021)

Director: Dominic López, Isaac Piche
Cast: Michelle Manhart, Joe Bell, Jeffrey Bentley, Martin Kove, Rex Hardin, Greg Grant, Francisco Oliva, Miguel Corona, Miriam Groleau, David Barr, Eric Etebari, James Clark, Holly Clark, Aaron Johnson Araza, Sonny Pitbull Ray, Rene Van Alstine, Jay Gammons, Beverly Durand, Jamie Robinette, Josh Reyes, Mike Levin, Lindy Sanchez, Hector Sanchez, Mirian Groleau, Vanessa Serrano, Jessica Norgard, Fred Freeman, Donn Ivy, Jack Eaves


AJ Parker, her ex-husband and a federal agent head for a ghost town in Mexico called Paradise in search for a hidden cache of 5000 stolen double eagle $20 gold coins.

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