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Mission Genesis - TV Series (1997) - Also known as "Deepwater Black"

Cast: Gordon Michael Woolvett, Nicole de Boer, Jason Cadieux, Kelli Taylor, Craig Kirkwood, Sara Sahr, Julie Khaner, Tara Sloan, Laura Bertram, Cecilley Carroll, Christina Collins, Cameron Graham, Helene Maksoud


A virus breaks out and leaves the humans residing on Earth doomed. However, in a desperate attempt before the end, all humanity's resources are dedicated to a crash program to produce a deep space ark, capable of seeding humanity on a new world. The ship is crewed by six clones; teenage versions of people who achieved great works during the ark project and equipped with the memories of their donors. Prior to its arrival, however, the crew is awoken prematurely to face a threat to the ship, before their memories are complete. They must come to terms with the workings of the ship, the dangers faced by their ship, the realization that they are clones, and their ultimate destiny to save their race.

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