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Dream Boy (2008)

Drama, Romance
USA (English) 90 min
6.2 5.5
  8/10   9/10   1
Updated on 2024 Jun 13
 2 wins.
Director: James Bolton
Cast: Stephan Bender, Thomas Jay Ryan, Diana Scarwid, Tom Gilroy, Maximillian Roeg, Randy Wayne, Owen Beckman, Rooney Mara, Rickie Lee Jones, Nick Ericson, Michele Adams, Robin Blanchard, Sean M. Blanchard, Jaci LeJeune, Elizabeth Lynch, Bridget Nichols, Seth Nichols, Zach Nichols, Cindy Williamson


Shy and withdrawn, Nathan (played by Stephan Bender) is new to his school, unusually smart (a grade ahead) and the silent tension at home nearly unbearable. Mom, Dad, and Nathan have moved constantly, town after town, landing, inexplicably, in god-fearing "St. Francesville". Roy (played by the multi-talented Max Roeg), a year older than Nathan, confident and hard-working, drives the bus to their school while a friendship blooms between them into a relationship that is fraught with confusion and yearning. But secrets pick at the relationship, the unspoken rules of their angst-driven interactions unravel as Nathan's world again comes crashing inwards. Tension crescendos as shame and terror, stress and disaster all compete to immobilize and destroy both of their worlds.

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