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Blue Sunshine (1977)

Director: Jeff Lieberman
Cast: Zalman King, Deborah Winters, Mark Goddard, Robert Walden, Charles Siebert, Ann Cooper, Ray Young, Alice Ghostley, Stefan Gierasch, Richard Crystal, Bill Adler, Barbara Quinn, Adriana Shaw, Bill Sorrells, Jeffrey Druce, Meegan King, Argentina Brunetti, Laura Booker, David Schwartz, Steve Tannes, Brion James, Jim Storm, Sandy Robertson, Mary Moon, De Ette Adams, Bill Cameron, Brandy Carson, Marcy Hanson, Phyllis Glick, Rock Riddle


At a party, someone goes insane and murders three women. Falsely accused of the brutal killings, Jerry is on the run. More bizarre killings continue with alarming frequency all over town. Trying to clear his name, Jerry discovers the shocking truth...people are losing their hair and turning into violent psychopaths and the connection may be some LSD all the murderers took a decade before.

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