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2BPerfectlyHonest (2004)

Director: Randel Cole
Cast: Adam Trese, Andrew McCarthy, John Turturro, Michael Badalucco, Aida Turturro, Robert Vaughn, Hayley Mills, Mark Margolis, Kathleen Chalfant, Vincent Curatola, Bruce MacVittie, Remy Auberjonois, Rebecca Cavallaro, John Comer III, Paul Lazar, Lorraine Mazzola, Saundra McClain, Suzy Myers Jackson, Ron Rose, Carol Schneider, Joe Thompson, Amedeo Turturro, Rick Washburn


Business partners Frank (Adam Trese) and Josh (Andrew McCarthy) go bankrupt after their dot-com start-up collapses before it goes on-line. Frank, a bachelor and broke, reluctantly moves back home to live with his parents, while Josh, a hippie computer wiz who's married and has a son, is forced to consider the unthinkable - getting a real job.

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