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Decapitarium (2021)

Director: Jeff Dunn
Cast: Sam J. Jones, Christine Nguyen, Evan George Vourazeris, Katusha Robert, Alex West, Travis Dunn, Ruby Lee Dove II, John Maciag, Johnny Ray Gibbs, M.J. Docherty, Faustino Deblas, Lee Patrick Gailey, Vanessa Amaya, Tomathan McGinnis, Drew Brown, Jennifer Lee, Joel Linden, Chris Mayo, Tricia Mauro, CJ Morrison, Mia Ruiz, Aaron Walden, Kristina McCormick, Rob Zambrano, Matthew F. Davis, Vince Maloi, Cindy Teniente, Stephanie Mallace


"Re-Animator" meets "Stranger Things". A young girl discovers a dark secret hiding beneath her small college town as Cyborgs emerge from the shadows to threaten life as she has known it. She must band together with her group of friends to reveal the true nature of the threat lurking beneath them. But, can they learn the truth in time to save themselves? To find the answers, they must return to the lab where it all started, back to the Decapitarium.

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