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The NeverEnding Story III (1994) - Also known as "Die unendliche Geschichte III: Rettung aus Phantasien"

Director: Peter MacDonald
Cast: Jason James Richter, Melody Kay, Jack Black, Carole Finn, Ryan Bollman, Freddie Jones, Julie Cox, Moya Brady, Tony Robinson, Thomas Petruo, Tracey Ellis, Kevin McNulty, Nicole Parker, Adrien Dorval, Kaefan Shaw, Gord Robertson, Frederick Warder, William Todd-Jones, David Forman, Danu Anthony, Andrea Nemeth, Mark Acheson, Marilyn Norry, Shirley Broderick, Ruth Nichol, Alfonso Quijada, Ulli Kinalzik, John 'Bear' Curtis, Richard Newman, Veena Sood


Bastian's wish for a sibling comes true when his father remarries, but he's soon having trouble with new stepsister Nicole and with a gang of school bullies, The Nasties. Hiding in the school library, Bastian finds his favorite book, THE NEVERENDING STORY. Later it's found by the gang's leader Slip, who recognizes the book's power and starts to form Fantasia after his bad intentions. When the chaos worsens, the Child-like Empress requests Bastian to move back to the real world, get the book back, and save Fantasia. Some Fantasia characters accidentally travel with him into reality and get lost in different places. Meanwhile, Slip and the other Nasties spread anarchy. Finally, Bastian gets support from Nicole, who begins to believe in the power of Fantasia.

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