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The Ultimate Warrior (1975)

Director: Robert Clouse
Cast: Yul Brynner, Max von Sydow, Joanna Miles, William Smith, Richard Kelton, Stephen McHattie, Darrell Zwerling, Lane Bradbury, Nate Esformes, Mel Novak, Mickey Caruso, Gary Johnson, Susan Keener, Stevie Myers, Fred Slyter, Regis Parton, Larry Bischof, Pat E. Johnson, Henry Kingi, Alex Colon, Ron Windred


Only a few people still live in New York City in 2012. They are organized in gangs with their own turfs. One of them is led by Baron, another one by Carrot, and they are constantly at war with each other. Baron's gang is more peaceful and have developed seeds that can germinate despite the virus plague. The lone ranger Carson is hired by Bishop for protection.

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