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The Swerve (2018)

Director: Dean Kapsalis
Cast: Azura Skye, Bryce Pinkham, Ashley Bell, Zach Rand, Taen Phillips, Liam Seib, Deborah Hedwall, Dan Daily, Jason Gupton, Lindsay Jackson, Kristine Sorenson, Jenna Marie Hess, Gretchen Portelles, Chadwick Davilsaint, Maikel Ramic, Josh England, Stevie Holcomb


Holly seems to have it all: two kids, a nice house, a good job as a teacher, and a husband with his career on the way up. But there are troubling signs that all is not right in her world. The insomnia. The medication for the insomnia. The dreams from the medication for the insomnia. (Are they even dreams?) And then there's the mouse that appears in her home. Upsetting her already delicate balance, it sends her spiraling out of control. Writer/director Dean Kapsalis' feature debut explores a week in the life of a woman on the verge in this haunting meditation on mental illness.

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