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Who Done It? (1956)

Director: Basil Dearden
Cast: Benny Hill, Belinda Lee, David Kossoff, Garry Marsh, George Margo, Ernest Thesiger, Denis Shaw, Frederick Schiller, Jeremy Hawk, Thorley Walters, Philip Stainton, Warwick Ashton, Stratford Johns, Nicholas Phipps, Peter Bull, Gibb McLaughlin, Ernest Jay, Harold Scott, Norah Blaney, Charles Hawtrey, Champion Appeline Hector of West Summerland, Chris Adcock, Terence Alexander, Jean Alsop, Elinor Bennett, Ronnie Brody, Jess Conrad, Mabel Etherington, Chick Fowles, Harold Goodwin


This movie debut for saucy British TV comic Benny Hill has Benny leaving his job as a sweeper after winning some money. He becomes a private detective and investigates a plot to assassinate British scientists.

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