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The Amazing Wizard of Paws (2015)

Director: Bryan Michael Stoller
Cast: Will Spencer, Paula Devicq, Jack Maxwell, Cole Michaels, Little Bear, Sasha Malarevsky, Jacob Witkin, Tommy 'Tiny' Lister, Anna Marie Gordon, Lenny Fleszar, Christine Hawkins, David Coleman, Mike Riley, Gabriel Garcia, Brandon Dorssom, Zac Denious, Brayden Butler, Jonathan Lamparter, Wyatt Ross, Tim Peyton, Erica Howard, Leeann Dearing, Matthew Dearing, Patrick Schweiss, Tom Haney, John Conway, Henry E. Garcia, Bob McNair, Robert Caspari, Gary Bosloy


Young Bobby Spade who has an anxiety disorder, discovers that his therapy dog Ozzy is actually 600 years old and was once owned by a powerful wizard from ancient times. Upon his twelfth birthday, Bobby is propelled into a new life when he learns the truth about his faithful pet who soon determines the boy and his widowed mother's destiny.

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