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Kiwi Christmas (2017)

Director: Tony Simpson
Cast: Luca Andrews, June Bishop, Jonathan Callinan, Samuel Clark, Andreea Cristache, Brendon Cunningham, Laura Daniel, Wesley Dowdell, George Ferrier, Nigel Godfrey, Susan Haldane, Will Hall, Xavier Horan, Steven Howlett, Troy Kingi, Chelsea McEwan Millar, Ian Mune, Ravi Narayan, Chris Parker, Barry Te Hira, Sia Trokenheim, Piet van Asch, Kari Väänänen, Vanessa Wells, Rumi Wilson


Fed up with the materialism of Christmas, Santa runs away to New Zealand for a summer holiday. When two Kiwi kids figure out who he is, they have to find a way to get him back to the North Pole in time for Christmas.

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