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Toys Are Not for Children (1972)

Director: Stanley H. Brassloff
Cast: Marcia Forbes, Harlan Cary Poe, Evelyn Kingsley, Luis Arroyo, Fran Warren, Peter Lightstone, Tiberia Mitri, N.J. Osrag, Jack Cobb, Ronnie Kahn, Ralph Shaw, Robert Hazelton, Salee Corso, Irene Signoretti, Mark Justin, Herbert Martin, Sally Moore, Madelyn Killeen, Donna Hodge, Dorian Jackson


Emotionally stunted child woman Jamie Godard not only suffers from an unhealthy fixation on her long absent father, but also has an obsession with all the toys he gave her as a little girl. After getting a job at a toy store, Jamie decides to marry co-worker Charlie Belmond. When the marriage doesn't work out, Jamie runs away to New York City and becomes a prostitute who specializes in servicing perverted old men who want to play daddy with her.

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