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Flashout (2019)

Director: Richard Lerner
Cast: Blythe Auffarth, Maya Stojan, Allison Dunbar, Malea Rose, Lorynn York, Vedette Lim, Jonathan Goldstein, Anthony Napoli, Gerald Downey, Mary Gillis, Brittany Faith Rosoff, John Patrick Jordan, Aria Sirvaitis, Kevin Rock, Hanna Lee Sakakibara, Matthew Florida, Cheryl Francis Harrington


FLASHOUT (90 minutes) SYNOPSIS: Inside a space habitat in a parallel universe, three young women play the blind date reality game InterMate in order to experience the euphoria of the FLASHOUT. Unexpectedly they find themselves trapped on Earth seeking the missing player of their game. They encounter a jogger, a rocker, a biker, an exploitative owner of an escort service, a radio telescope supervisor, and others vulnerable to their ecstatic FLASHOUT. All the while they are pursued by an awkward Reality Repairman whose assignment is to seal the hole between realities before the Multiverse is permanently altered.

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