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The Little Switzerland (2019) - Also known as "La pequeña Suiza"

Director: Kepa Sojo
Cast: Jon Plazaola, Maggie Civantos, Ingrid García Jonsson, Secun de la Rosa, Lander Otaola, Mikel Losada, Ramón Barea, Kandido Uranga, Enrique Villén, Maribel Salas, Pêpê Rapazote, Karra Elejalde, Anabela Teixeira, Susana Soleto, Iñigo Salinero, Youssef Elidrissi, Ylenia Baglietto, David Landatxe, Isabel Guardiola, Lina Olaizola-Schwarzenbach, Leire Casi, Antonio Resines, Kepa Sojo, Sonia Pacios, Ismael Zamora, Brett Calo, Oscar Emmanuel Fabela, Luis Fernández de Eribe


Tellería is a fictional 700 years old town that politically belongs to the Automous Community of Castilla-León despite to be located in the Basque Country (north to Spain), which inhabitants want unsuccessfully to change of community from Castilla-León to Basque Country from much time ago. In the same day that Antolín, town's mayor, makes a new attempt just to learn that it was rejected again, his son Gorka back to the town with his job partner and love interest Yolanda to investigate town's church past, managed by town's priest Don Anselmo. When by chance Yolanda falls to the under ground due to the unfinished works made by well-known historian and archaeologist Peio, she finds a medieval sepulcher, discovering that it's the tomb of Walter Tell, son of legendary Swiss hero William Tell. Finding an ancient documents that prove the creation of Tellería (Tellstadt in English and rest of languages) as a gift given to Walter Tell after his help to the King of Castile Alfonso XI in a ..

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