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Anguish (1987) - Also known as "Angustia"

Director: Bigas Luna
Cast: Zelda Rubinstein, Michael Lerner, Talia Paul, Àngel Jové, Clara Pastor, Isabel García Lorca, Nat Baker, Edward Ledden, Gustavo Gili, Antonio Regueiro, Joaquín Ribas, Janet Porter, Patrice Manget, Merche Gascón, Jose M. Chucarro, Antonella Murgia, Josephine Borchaca, Georgie Pinkley, Francesco Rabella, Diane Pinkley, Benito Pocino, Víctor Guillén, Evelyn Rosemika, Michael Chandler, Vicente Gil, Michael Heat, Pedro Vidal, Robert Long, Jaime Ros, Miguel Montfort


A film-within-a-film thriller about two teen girls among a small group of people who are terrorized in a movie theater by a killer while watching a horror film about a murderous optometrist who stalks his victims in a movie theater in the film.

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