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King David (1985)

Director: Bruce Beresford
Cast: Richard Gere, Edward Woodward, Alice Krige, Denis Quilley, Niall Buggy, Cherie Lunghi, Hurd Hatfield, Jack Klaff, John Castle, Tim Woodward, David de Keyser, Ian Sears, Simon Dutton, Jean-Marc Barr, Arthur Whybrow, Christopher Malcolm, Valentine Pelka, Ned Vukovic, Michael Müller, James Coombes, Mark Drewry, John Gabriel, Gina Bellman, John Hallam, James Lister, Jason Carter, John Barrard, Peter Frye, David Graham, Genevieve Allenbury


Israel circa 1,000 B.C. The adult life of David, who would eventually become King of Israel, is presented. The blessing of the Prophets, as the voice of God, is required before the King can take any major action. It is because God is annoyed with King Saul for not following his word that the Prophet Samuel, taking his cues from God, surprisingly and unexpectedly anoints David, the teenaged and youngest of Jesse's four sons, the next King. Regardless, it isn't until David's encounter with Goliath that he and many of the Israelites believe he could and should be King. Believing the anointing of David undermines his rule, King Saul, whose army is far outnumbered by those of the enemy Philistines, takes one measure after another against David and by association at the peril of his army in battles against the Philistines. These moves by Saul do not sit well with many, but especially his son Jonathan, who supports David as the next King. Over David's eventual rule as King, he will have his .

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