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Swing Shift (1984)

Director: Jonathan Demme
Cast: Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Christine Lahti, Fred Ward, Ed Harris, Sudie Bond, Holly Hunter, Patty Maloney, Lisa Pelikan, Susan Peretz, Joey Aresco, Morris 'Tex' Biggs, Reid Cruickshanks, Danny Darst, Dennis Fimple, Chris Lemmon, Charles Napier, Stephen Tobolowsky, Laura Hawn, Marvin Miller, Susan Barnes, Beth Henley, Gene Borkan, Alana Stewart, Phillip Christon, Penny Johnson Jerald, Isabell O'Connor, Maggie Renzi, Sandy McLeod, George 'Red' Schwartz


Jack and Kay Walsh are typical of many couples of the 1940s, where he is the breadwinner and she the housewife dependent upon him to do the man's duties around the house. Jack believes one of their neighbors in the housing complex in which they live in Los Angeles is white trash - he letting her know so at every opportunity, while Kay is quietly curious about her. That neighbor is streetwise Hazel Zanussi, an aspiring singer who does get a chance to sing on occasion at the club managed by her casual boyfriend, Biscuits Toohey, although he relegates her to being one of the taxi dancers more often against her wants, while he cheats on her behind her back despite truly having feelings for her. Hazel just wants to make an honest living. Their worlds are turned upside down on December 7, 1941 when the US enters WWII with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Jack immediately enlists in the Navy, and while he will send money home, his decision leaves Kay largely to fend for herself. Against.

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