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Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) - Also known as "ООО 'Дом Ада' 2: Отель города Абаддон"

Director: Stephen Cognetti
Cast: Vasile Flutur, Jillian Geurts, Joy Shatz, Dustin Austen, Brian David Tracy, Kyle Ingleman, Amanda K. Morales, Laura Frenzer, Danny Bellini, Tom Sibley, Lauren A. Kennedy, Adam Schneider, Alice Bahlke, Bailey Moyer, Sean Hall, Matthew Binder, Gore Abrams, Alex Beechko


It's been eight years since the opening night tragedy of Hell House, LLC and still many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, investigative journalist Jessica Fox is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside ...

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