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45 Days to Be Rich (2021)

Director: Hani Bay
Cast: Brittany Adams, Michael Alexander, Trice Alexander, Hani Bay, Marco Bonasera, Kimberly Cruchon Brooks, Alia Childs Brown, Katie Brown, Caitlin Burt, China Capling, Dave Chaney, Michelle Cohl, Cameron Cottrell, Andrew Dawe-Collins, Brighid Driscoll, Julia Everitt, Heather Fairbanks, Tokkyo Faison, Jaron Gordon, Foresteen Hood, Joshua Joseph Hoss, Jake House, Jesi Jensen, Earnest Lee, Ray Morgis, Joshua Neilson, Joe Piazza, Alan Rezzonia, Rachel Richardson, Indiana Rose


After twenty years of separation, Jake and Joe's mom dies a millionaire in Greece, leaving a will to give her sons a chunk of her heir, only if they agree to live with their Greek brother for 45 days.

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