Cast:Didier Allouch, John Antioco, Corey Bridges, Derek Cecil, Dawn Chmielewski, Jim Cook, Ben Cooper, J.W. Craft, Alfonso CuarĂ³n, Guillermo de Mulder, Tracy DeSoto, Tom Dillon, Boris Droutman, Vita Droutman, Shane Evangelist, Antoine Fuqua, David Griffin, Gerrad Hall, Reed Hastings, Paul Kirinich, Christina Kish, Shawn Levy, Mitch Lowe, Kate Mara, Harry McCracken, Bill Mechanic, Heidi Nyburg, Michael Pachter, Alan Payne, Dascha Polanco
The story of how a tiny, broke Silicon Valley startup slew giants of the movie rental world, warded off Amazon and forced movie making and distribution into the digital age.
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