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Fiend (1980)

Director: Don Dohler
Cast: Don Leifert, Richard Nelson, Elaine White, George Stover, Greg Dohler, Del Winans, Kim Pfeiffer, Debbie Vogel, Richard Geiwitz, Denise Grzybowski, Lydia Laurans, Steve Frith, Pam Dohler, Barbara Shuman, Tom Griffith, Anna Dorbett, Anne Frith, Rosemary Chapman, George Balster, Ron McNeil, Phil De Flavis, Danielle De Flavis, Steve Vertlieb, Alan Burton, Pepper


This low budget feature from Baltimore filmmaker Don Dohler opens with a spirit entering into a gravesite and reanimating a corpse back to life as Mr. Longfellow. In order for him to stay alive, he needs to absorb the life energies out of the living by wrapping his hands around his victoms' throats. He moves to the suburbs of Maryland where his nosey neighbor begins to suspect something aint right with Mr. Longfellow.

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