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Let Me in 2 (2018) - Also known as "Let Me In 2"

Director: James Trimboli
Cast: James Trimboli, Jane Pascoe, Rosheen McKell, Amie Bransgrove, Tsu Shan Chambers, Sharleen Cornish, Shaun Dover, Penny Day, Callum McKean, Jennine Trimboli, Caitlin Murphy, Breanna Jones, Bill McWilliam, Charlene Weston, Margaret Ohara, Pauline Roxo, Simon Anthony, Fabiano Petrosillo, Kayla Groombridge, Nathan Wong, Kathleen Dansie, Rachel Kelly, Lisa-Rae Clark, Lindsay Mudge, Paul Luke Saba, Dawn Hogan, Vicki Gard, Steph Kelly, Jaclyn Lehrer, Morrison James


A nun and her daughter are put into a difficult situation that leaves them trapped. Keesha discovers true love in unexpected circumstances, Isha must do everything she can to control her deep rage that is built up inside of her and Troy must protect the public from evil.

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