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Trico Tri Happy Halloween (2018)

Director: Christian Vogeler
Cast: Kendall Vertes, Armando Gutierrez, Carson Rowland, Adriana Cataño, Martha Picanes, Nick Merico, Yoi Montgomery, Yamil Piedra, Teo Castellanos, James Bernstein, Biagio Castelo, Sasha Crews, Peter Groverman, Peter A. Lees, Shaia Lipnik, Chloé Malaisé, Adourin Jamelle Owens, Boncó Quiñongo, Brian I. Rodriguez, Christina Rodriguez, Tommi Rose, Gail Soltys, Christian Vogeler, Nickolas Wolf


A Hispanic middle-class family moves back to Miami after living in California to take care of their recently widowed Abuela. Little do they know their new house is the infamous Bradford house which is haunted by two mischievous ghosts. Hilarious situations ensue as the family settles in, romance unfolds, over-zealous ghost hunters stalk the house, Abuela becomes more and more superstitious all the while high schoolers plan to throw a big Halloween party at the Bradford house.

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