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Cold Blooded: The Clutter Family Murders - TV Programs (2017)

Cast: Beth Tedrow, Larry Welch, Kevin Bascue, Gwyneth Frack, Paul Dewey, Luke Daigle, Charles Shields, Charlie Troutner, Don Cullivan, Linda LeBert-Corbello, Connie Penick, Gerald Clarke, Diana Edwards, Larry Thomas, Bob Rupp, Corbin Crable, Steve Quakenbush, Mitchell Jones, Jewell James, Jerry Collins, Carolyn Hammon, Anne Jones, Bob Jones, Mike Russell, Lorraine Cullivan, Jon Craig, Scott Wilson, Quincy Jones, Lillian Calihan, Brenda Currin


COLD BLOODED: THE CLUTTER FAMILY MURDERS is a docuseries that focuses on the crime that shocked the nation - the 1959 brutal murder of four members of the Clutter family. The crime, seemingly without motive, would later be chronicled in Truman Capote's seminal book, In Cold Blood.

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