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Gotti: Godfather and Son - TV Documentaries (2018)

Cast: Bruce Cutler, John Gotti Jr., Angel Gotti, Peter Gotti, Ronald Kuby, Larry Mazza, Edward McDonald, Charles Carnesi, T.J. English, Fred Gardaphe, Bruce Mouw, Murray Weiss, Jim Abbott, Alex Eckstorm, Dalana Figaro, Andrea Giovino, David Granados, Frank Morano, Shira Scheindlin, David Arquilla, Joseph Bessette, Patrick Borriello, Ralph Bracco, Daniel Brausch, James A. Cajigas, Vince Cuevas, Vince Cuevas, Adrian De Propertis, William DeMeo, Giuseppe Desiderio


John Gotti Jr. tells the story of how he became the man he is today. When you realize that family is more important than the mafia, that's when he steps out of the shadows. The father lives and dies "by the sword." Very sad but moving.

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