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Benji (1974)

Director: Joe Camp
Cast: Patsy Garrett, Allen Fiuzat, Cynthia Smith, Peter Breck, Frances Bavier, Terry Carter, Edgar Buchanan, Tom Lester, Christopher Connelly, Deborah Walley, Mark Slade, Herb Vigran, Larry Swartz, J.D. Young, Erwin Hearne, Katie Hearne, Don Puckett, Ed DeLatte, Victor Raider-Wexler, Charles Starkey, Ben Vaughn, Joe Camp III, Vicki Vanston, Jacqueline Ann Smith, Bill King, Robert Thomas, Rene Marrou, Higgins, January L'Angelle, Tiffany


The first movie about the famous golden mutt. Benji is a stray who has nonetheless worked his way into the hearts of a number of the townspeople, who give him food and attention whenever he stops by. His particular favorites are a pair of children who feed and play with him against the wishes of their parents. When the children are kidnapped, however, the parents and the police are at a loss to find them. Only Benji can track them down, but will he be in time? If he can save the day, he may just find the permanent home he's been longing for.

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