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Poszukiwany, poszukiwana (1973)

Director: Stanislaw Bareja
Cast: Wojciech Pokora, Jolanta Bohdal, Mieczyslaw Czechowicz, Maria Chwalibóg, Jerzy Dobrowolski, Wieslaw Golas, Adam Mularczyk, Barbara Rylska, Wojciech Siemion, Jolanta Wollejko, Krystyna Borowicz, Zofia Czerwinska, Jerzy Januszewicz, Maria Kaniewska, Witold Kaluski, Jan Kobuszewski, Bohdan Lazuka, Tadeusz Plucinski, Wojciech Rajewski, Zbigniew Skowronski, Zdzislaw Szymanski, Jan Kociniak, Andrzej Krasicki, Filip Lobodzinski, Jerzy Moes, Stanislaw Tym


Stanislaw works in an art museum in Warsaw; it's not a very well-paid job, and his boss is a bit of a martinet. When a painting is found to be missing from the store room, the boss accuses Stanislaw and gives him 24 hours to return it, or go to jail. Well, Stanislaw is innocent, so he can't return it, and he decides to borrow some of his wife's clothes and her wig, and go into hiding as a woman, Maria. He gets a job as housemaid, although his practical home skills are pretty well non-existent, but a succession of amorous husbands, difficult children, and eccentric bosses drives him from one job to the next. Meanwhile his efforts to keep in touch with his wife lead to her becoming suspicious of his involvement with another girl he is talking to, and then when he kisses his wife amourously, the girl is scandalised to see what appear to be two women kissing. [This was 1973 in Poland, remember.] Finally he gets a decent place working for the director of an architectural practice; but t

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