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2069: A Sex Odyssey (1974) - Also known as "Ach jodel mir noch einen - Stosstrupp Venus bläst zum Angriff"

Director: Georg Tressler
Cast: Nina Frederik, Catharina Conti, Heidrun Hankammer, Alena Penz, Gerti Schneider, Franz Muxeneder, Michael Maien, Klaus Münster, Herbert Hisel, Adi Lehner, Lydia Mikulski, Leopold Gmeinwieser, Rudi Sandmayr, Raoul Retzer, Johann Sklenka, Barbara Assmann, Norbert Gastell, Eva Gross, Christina Hoeltel, Bruno W. Pantel, Helga Trümper


Five sexy females from the planet Venus are sent to Earth to bring back sperm samples to their planet, which is dying out because there are no men left on it. After the land they find that it's not all that difficult persuading Earthmen to help them in their quest.

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