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Pledge (2018)

Horror, Thriller
USA (English) 77 min
5.4 1
  9/10   9/10   1
Updated on 2019 Jun 16
 4 wins.
In response to the copyright complaint that we received, this download has beed removed.
Director: Daniel Robbins
Cast: Zachery Byrd, Phillip Andre Botello, Zack Weiner, Aaron Dalla Villa, Cameron Cowperthwaite, Jesse Pimentel, Joe Gallagher, Jean-Louis Droulers, Erica Boozer, Melanie Rothman, Sam Naismith, Mark Hirsch, Max Schuster, Jason Polinsky, Ian Robinson, Cesar Payano, Michael Gelfand, Mark Rapaport, Mark Rapaport, Steve Lipman, Keaton Heinrichs, Jin Calello, Ella Jordan, Natalie Marie Walsh, Emerald Toller, Zak Takowsky, Jonny Peavey, Danielle Goz, James Watson, Joyce Keokham, Alexandre Bagot


A group of college freshmen pledge an exclusive fraternity but soon realize there's more at stake than they could have ever imagined.

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