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Gorgo (1961)

Director: Eugène Lourié
Cast: Bill Travers, William Sylvester, Vincent Winter, Christopher Rhodes, Joseph O'Conor, Bruce Seton, Martin Benson, Maurice Kaufmann, Basil Dignam, Barry Keegan, Tommy Duggan, Howard Lang, Dervis Ward, Martin Boddey, Gordon Boyd, John Breslin, Maurice Bush, Fred Davis, Mick Dillon, Rodney Dines, Arthur Goodman, Romo Gorrara, Nigel Green, Harvey Hall, Brian Jackson, Murray Kash, Juba Kennerley, Alf Mangan, Jack May, John More


A salvage vessle is nearly sunk off the Irish coast by an undersea earthquake. A few nights later, a walking sea monster tangles with the fishing boats and enters the town. The salvage vessel captures Gorgo and takes it to London for display. Gorgo's mother, who is upset and significantly larger follows his trail to London leaving a wake of destruction in her path.

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