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7 Deadly Sins (2019) - Also known as "Charlie Charlie"

Director: Glenn Plummer
Cast: Tori Vild, Tom Sizemore, Eric Roberts, Ana Walczak, Gladys Bautista, Noel Gugliemi, Glenn Plummer, Samson Crouppen, Bart Voitila, Steph Santana, Anthony Del Negro, Orit Morami, Shanna Forrestall, Jaslyn Ome, Joshua A Furtado, David Hill, Mary Jo Perez, Harvey B. Jackson, Alexis Freeman, Tyrone Emanuel, Kat Akmakji, Robbie Carroll, Daniel Hausser, Jose J Santana


A group of teenagers look to have the best Spring Break party ever before going off to college. However, when party goers start to die, who's to blame? Themselves? Or the demon they summoned? Charlie's evil spirit creeps in and hands out the ultimate test of survival. Can the kids escape Charlie's grasp? Can they figure out a way to free themselves from his evil game? One night, one house, one chance at survival..

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