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Forbidden: Dying for Love - TV Series (2015)

Cast: Raven Cinello, Katharine Mangold, Gwenlyn Cumyn, Antonino Pruiti, JoAnn Nordstrom, Drew Riedstra, Nicole Williams, Gino Raimondo, Tracy Rowland, Thom Zimerle, Christopher Potter, Nicola Hadjis, Leigh Wingfield, Brian MacDougall, Vivian Or, Matthew Sauvé, Emerjade Simms, Lauren Toffan, Shannon MacKinnon, Liam Murphy, Bronson Phillip Lake, Rae Rondeau, Randy Starr, Christy Ziss, Andre Colquhoun, Margaret Evraire, Kearsten Johansson, Ricky Singh, Jenna Katheryn, Adam Crombie


This television show uses reenactments and interviews with survivors to tell the true life stories of men and women who died because of their love for another. There is a new murder every episode.

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