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Wildling (2018)

Director: Fritz Böhm
Cast: Liv Tyler, Brad Dourif, Bel Powley, James Le Gros, Mike Faist, Kelly Lamor Wilson, Troy Ruptash, Patrick M. Walsh, Collin Kelly-Sordelet, Frank Deal, Bhavesh Patel, Charlotte Ubben, Brian Donahue, Keenan Jolliff, Julia Rusatsky


Anna spends her entire childhood under the care of a mysterious man she only knows as Daddy. He keeps her locked in an attic making her fear the Wildling, a child-eating monster that roams the outside. At age 16, Anna is freed by small-town sheriff Ellen Cooper who helps her start a new life as a normal teenager. But as Anna's body begins to blossom, her childhood nightmares return with a vengeance, leading to the conclusion of a terrifying secret.

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