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The Green Room - TV Series (2016)

Cast: Kevin Michael Shiley, Nico Fragoso, Danielle Montezinos, Andre Bello-Jones, Sarah A. Newton, Polet LaMiroite, Stew Hartman-Mart, Kevin Kittridge, Melissa Corkern, Andrew J. Hillis, Stephanie Crothers, Amanda Harrison, Melissa Fosse-Dunne, Jon Allyn, Todd Masterson, Kendall Steverson, Chuck Cawthorn, Eddie Jordan III, Silawn Lewis, Sam Mandel, Will C. Neilson, Sarah Ann Suwanasung, Ginja Wellington, Johnny Mask


"You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be." Patrick Jason moves to California straight from college in hopes of securing a job as a bio chemist. When his dreams don't pan out, he ends up at The Green Room, a failing Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Hollywood, CA- which turns out is the only place that will allow Patrick to work directly with plants. Patrick's naivety and total disregard for the medical marijuana industry, as well as his persistence to get to his 'dream job' sets the undertone for the series. The series arc shows Patrick understanding and appreciating the importance of medical marijuana and through a series of 'distractions' learns that the grass is not always greener on the other side and he is exactly where he's supposed to be.

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