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The Arabian Warrior (2018) - Also known as "Shoot"

Director: Aymen Khoja
Cast: Patrick Fabian, Amir El-Masry, Connor Del Rio, Mike Bash, Julie Meyer, Ines Milans, Ayman Samman, Anthony Ryan, Amir Christopher Shafii, Bulat Nasibullin, Gabriel M. Ramirez, Micheal Zakhar, Aaron Moses, Dori Rosenthal, Ian Willoughby, Hope Brown, Laurel Jane Coleman, Talia A Davis, Alberto Barros Jr., Erik Sopracasa, Anatole Odolant, Bryan Jordan, Halbert Hernandez, Terry Canida, Lee Petropoulos, Jennifer Anne Scott, Isaac Alisma, Slade Menold, Joe Tutino, Fahad Alasfour


Anmar dreams of becoming a great soccer player, and he finally has his chance to join a team while studying architecture in the U.S. But, to reach his potential, Anmar must first convince his father who threatens to send him back home, get on with his teammates who see Anmar more as a terrorist than a striker, and work with his classmate, Ana, who is just a bit too hot.

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