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Angel from Hell - TV Series (2016)

Cast: Jane Lynch, Maggie Lawson, Kyle Bornheimer, Kevin Pollak


ANGEL FROM HELL is a single-camera comedy about Amy, a colorful, brassy woman who insinuates herself into the life of an organized and seemingly perfect young woman, Allison, claiming to be her "guardian angel." Allison is an intense, driven doctor who is sure that Amy is just an inebriated, outspoken nut, until every one of her warnings proves true. Cautioned by Amy not tell anyone about her, Allison can't discuss this over-the-top oddball with her father and business partner, Marv, a sunburned dermatologist who shares an office with Allison, or her younger brother, Brad, a pharmaceutical sales rep who lives in a guest room over her garage. As Allison tries to push Amy away, Amy makes her final pitch: her sole mission is to provide Allison with helpful guidance that nudges her in the right direction in life - and it's her final chance to prove herself as an angel. With that, Allison agrees to this unlikely relationship because maybe a weird friend is exactly what she needs... and

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