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Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything - TV Series (2015-2017)

Cast: Cameron Boyce, Murray Wyatt Rundus, Felix Avitia, Sophie Reynolds, Lauren Pritchard, Eduardo Franco, Joe Hursley, Boogie, Kyle S. More, Daran Norris, Brian Michael Jones, Faruq Tauheed, Steele Stebbins, Dana Snyder, Paula Sorge, David Neher, Amanda Leighton, Matt Rife, Leah Lewis, Laura Coover, Kimberly Dooley, Troy Romzek, Conrad Bluth, Hope Elias, Sam Towers, Zachary Conneen, MacKenzi Heyman, David Barrera, Mark Fischbach, Karl-Anthony Towns


The show centers on Conor, a 15-year-old video gamer, who is forced to attend high school for the first time after a thumb injury sidelines him from the glamorous pro gaming circuit. As a coping mechanism, he begins to visualize life as a video game. He is reunited with his three former gamer friends who he left behind for life on the pro circuit World Tour, and he quickly realizes that restoring his friendships is vital in his quest to "level up" to his former glory.

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