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The War of the Worlds (2005) - Also known as "The Great Boer War"

Sci-Fi, Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller
United States (English) 2h 59min
2.9 -
Coming Soon
Release: June 14, 2005 (United States)
Director: Timothy Hines
Cast: Anthony Piana, Jack Clay, James Lathrop, Darlene Sellers, John Kaufmann, Susan Goforth, Jamie Lynn Sease, W. Bernard Bauman, Edwin Stone, Tom Fouche, Mark Wilt, Erik Barzdukas, E. Leonard Helland, Barbara Bauman, Daniel Somerfield, Donovan Le, Andy Clawson, Eric Rands


In one of the most faithful adaptations of HG Wells' science fiction masterpiece, Martians launch a ruthless assault on an unsuspecting Victorian England, in an attempt to escape their dying planet.

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