Cast:Sean Carrigan, Corinne Van Ryck de Groot, Billy Zane, Richard Pierre-Louis, Amanda Tosch, Joe Gogol, Joel Nunley, Christopher J. Quinn, Alfred Thomas Catalfo, Jared Elliott, Jeanne Bauer, Shelly Marks, Michael N. Herzog, Jeff Monahan, George Drennen, Bernard Canepari, Joseph Ruffner, Mark Gates, Tommy Lafitte, Adam Christopher, Jessica Huss, Tom Megalis, John L. Risner, Ed Brigadier, Michael Cipiti, Liz DuChez, Jef Etters, Liza Foster, Frank Geyer, Spencer Jay Kim
A man [Sean] makes a bet in Las Vegas with some men who want to kill him. He bets he can stay alive for 24 hours, then comes to Cleveland to elude them.
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